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Honor Reigns Supreme - Concord, NC
Official Replay

* Available in the United States
* Included unlimited replays
"The Prestigious One"
"Big Bad"
"The French-Canadian Frankenstein"
"The Resilient Submission Specialist"
"El Orgullo de Tala"
"El Caballero del Aire"


Already Signed:

Roh World Six-Man Tag Team Title Match
Champions Villain Enterprises (Marty Scurll, Pco & Brody King) vs La Facción Ingobernable (Rush, Dragon Lee & Kenny King W/Amy Rose)

Jay & Mark Briscoe vs Dalton Castle & Joe Hendry
Flip Gordon vs Flamita
Alex Zayne vs Bandido

Lifeblood (Mark Haskins & Tracy Williams) vs Vincent & Bateman
Rey Horus vs Andrew Everett

Poster and Selected Action

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