On June 24th Rocky Mountain Pro celebrates 12 years anniversary live on FITE presenting Milestone XII! The event will feature pro wrestling stars such as RMP Champion Bruce Wayans, D'Lo Brown, Josh Mathews (WWE/Impact), Malia Hosaka (WCW/NWA/WOW), Christi Jaynes (NWA), Martin Casaus (Lucha Underground), and Sledge (ROH).
Check the full lineup below:
Zamore vs Echo Killian Krowe & Kendrick LeReaux vs Derek Stone & Lord Mitchell Taylor
Lockette's Chaqmpionship Match Malia Hosake vs Christi Jaynes
Tag Team Championship Match Full Send vs JK Pop
Baylum Lynx vs Damon Ace
Charged Championship Match RemyD vs Sledge
Mercury Yaden vs Curtis Cole
NRW Championship Ladder Match Atiba vs Stephen Ashburn
RMP Championship Match Marty Casaus vs Bruce Wayans