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MLW Fusion #187
Official Replay

* Available in the United States
* Included unlimited replays
11 - 8 - 0
Light Heavyweight
"The Hawkeye"


Matt Cardona w/ Saint Laurent vs 1 Called Manders
Bomaye Fight Club vs The Mane Event
Ichiban vs Love, Doug

2 title changes! Big returns! Shocking debuts! Slaughterhouse forever changed MLW. What's next? Find out on Fusion!

MLW has Tripled its security tonight following a wild Slaughterhouse post match brawl between World Titan Federation Superstars and the Bomaye Fight Club... as well as a second dust-up after the show with Mance Warner and these self-proclaimed "Superstars."

With security maxed out, the World Titan Federation's "Crown Jewel" Matt Cardona steps in the ring in the main event as he looks to put World Champion Alex Kane on notice and keep the eyes of the league on him. But is Cardona alwayz ready for one of the toughest brawlers in MLW? He'll have to be as Cardona battles the 1 Called Manders. Meanwhile, Mance Warner has put it out on social media he has been doing some drinking and thinking, and he has plans to confront Cardona, following their after show dust-up as well tonight!

Is there enough security to keep MLW fighters from the Superstars of the World Titan Federation tonight?!

For the first time in 2 years "Filthy" Tom Lawlor is back on Fusion... and he has a shocking change in store for his filthy fans. What is it? Watch to find out.

Journey to the Atlanta fight camp of World Heavyweight Champion Alex Kane. The fight captain speaks out on the World Titan Federation and the Slaughterhouse brawl.

Following the extraordinary events at Slaughterhouse, Salina de la Renta promises Big News on Fusion! What's next for the "Empresaria of Lucha" as her conquest of MLW continues?

Tony Deppen and TJ Crawford's continuous smear campaign against the injury sidelined Kevin Blackwood forces the league to take further action against the dangerous duo.

Will security be able to keep the World Titan Federation Superstars® and Bomaye Fight Club apart? They'll be tested as Mr. Thomas tags up with The Bomaye Fight Club's newest middleweight recruit J Boujii as they fight The Mane Event!

In a middleweight eliminator, Ichiban represents the NumberOneDojo against wrestling's cupid: Love, Doug.

*lineup subject to change

Poster and Selected Action

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