It's New Year's Eve in Memphis and it's rumored that Big John Dalton wants to fight Mike Anthony 1 on 1. This could get ugly!
It's the fastest hour in pro wrestling on New Year's Eve!
Here's the card for today's program...
Big John Dalton Speaks After pulling off one of the biggest upsets in Memphis Wrestling history, Mike Anthony attacked BJD's father. Now, BJD will speak for the first time since the incident & his miraculous upset over Mike Anthony.
The Gunshow vs Jason Genesis w/ Goddess The GunShow is Ready on Christmas Eve! And you better believe Mike Anthony is on his Bad List!
#1 Contendership for Tag Team Titles Van Viciouss & Colton Cage vs Derrick The King & Ray Ray Sanders Jimmy Blaylock somehow gifted his Hollywood Clique this opportunity - but they'll have to beat a DK & Ray Ray! There's definitely bad blood here!
Hot Shots Recruiting Justin Klein has been seen hanging around the WrestleCenter lately. What's he been up to?
Tag Team Challenge Match Golden Savages vs Martin & Jennifer JusticeTag team action like only Memphis Wrestling can do! Only this time, Martin and Jennifer have something up their sleeves...
Open Challenge Match - Fat Boy Challenge Remarkable Ryan Rembrandt vs ??? Ryan Rembrandt looks to close the year strong with another Open Challenge on Memphis Wrestling.
Main Event - Mike Anthony Mike Anthony is always looking for a fight. And we can assure you, he will get into one today on Memphis Wrestling.
Plus You never know what will happen on the fastest hour in pro wrestling!