Fresh off the heals of the Grind City Rumble, we are now focused on the road to the Super Bout and crowning a new Cobra Cup winner!
Cobra Cup winner will be allowed to trade the cup in at any moment for a Championship opportunity of their choosing. Anytime. Any place.
Here's this week's line-up on the fastest hour in pro wrestling!
The Champ is Here We will kick off the program with the brand new Memphis Heritage Champion, The GunShow! He's on a collision course the new #1 contender K Toomer!
Hollywood Jimmy Irate Jimmy Blaylock is said to be Irate this week. In particular, he's upset with Colton Cage! We will see how this unfolds.
Cobra Cup Round 1 Jason Vain vs Kid Wrestling With Jimmy being in such a foul mood, Kid Wrestling better be extremely careful around ringside.
Cobra Cup Round 1 Reverend Ash Taylor vs Gio Savage The Reverend didn't fare too well in the Grind City Rumble. He will certainly need his luck to change against Gio Savage.
Do You Smell That? James Ellsworth is here. And we will find out why.
All Heart Blake Christian is here with a message to one of our Memphis Wrestling superstars. He grew up around here... and wants to speak on it.
Main Event - Internet Championship Match Tim Bosby (c) vs Big Jack This could be Tim Bosby's toughest test yet. Big Jack is looking for Championship gold in this week's Main Event.
And Remember You never know what might happen on Memphis Wrestling!