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Fight Circus 6
The Rise or Fall of Sloppy Balboa
Official Replay

* Available in the United States
* Included unlimited replays


On April 1st Fight Circus 6: The Rise or Fall of Sloppy Balboa is coming live on FITE+ with unique lineup, check it below:

Our Cold Opener: Dana Black's Gentlemen's Power Slap League
Bruno Barone vs Peter Haelewyn

Old School MMA: 1x10 Min Round
Kyoken Tampiyanan vs Campbell Symes

Musical Chairs of Death: 6 Fighters Competing in Musical Chairs to see Who Fights What - featuring 6 of the Finest Fighters in Petzilla Winkeljohn's phone

Dealer's Choice
Musical Chairs 1st Place Finisher Chooses his Opponent – Opponent Chooses Discipline

MMAsymmetrical is Back!!
Walter John Veale vs 2 of the Remaining Musical Chairs Participants

Blindfold Muay Thai
Musical Chairs Odd Men Out

The Wheel of Violence is Back!!
Kushal Vyas vs Joel Fratello

Wicked Hot Ring Girl Tug of War
That we're pretty positive will result in playing grab ass and Jello Wrestling, featuring 6 Hot Chicks 3 vs 3

White Collar Brawl – Road Rage Edition
Grab Motorbike Driver vs 'Win' Motorbike Driver

Human Piñata
Steve Panda Banks (with a sack full of money and prizes) vs Petzilla & The Gang(6 total)

Ladies MMAsymmetrical is Here!!
Souris Manfredi vs Run THC (Indica & Sativa)

The Biggest Siamese Twins Boxing Championship of All Time!!!
Twopollo RamSapp Creed vs Sloppy 'The Irish Curse' Balboa

Featuring Bob Sapp, Rampage Jackson, Jon Nutt & Woody

*lineup subject to change


  • March 30, 2023

    "This April Fool's Day, the Circus is coming back to town. With a Foolish Vengeance!" In an age when pipelines are blowing up faster than Brendan Fraser's waistline and the world's richest man spent 44 Billion dollars so he can shitpost with impunity, Fight Circus returns just in time to make even less sense of the madness. Returning to our adopted home at Illuzion Nightclub in Phuket Thailand, Fight Circus is set to bring you 12 glorious fights involving God knows how many people and a co-main and main event …

    Read more »


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