The Wrestling Revolver Tales from the Ring HOT TAKE

October 25, 2021
The Wrestling Revolver Tales from the Ring HOT TAKE

"Hope not ever to see Heaven. I have come to lead you to the other shore; into eternal darkness; into fire and into ice."

―Dante Alighieri

Hello my friends, come and sit by the fire as the embers grow brighter, battling the black skies above on this most wretched evening. For we have all gathered here at FITE, the one safe haven in all the lands as we all march ever forward, like zombies, to October 30th where the horrors and the demons alike will be unleashed from ground zero, Pro Wrestling Revolver's Tales from the Ring 4.

After all, on Saturday October 30th, all the thrills and frights will emanate from innocent looking Clive, Iowa, known for the Clive Greenbelt Goats and other lovely attractions. But like the fictional Derry, Maine, there is an evil just underneath the surface; a skewed vision waiting to claw its way out and be seen by the masses, to grab you by your very soul and drag you, not down to hell, but to the squared circle for one of the most devilish evenings of professional wrestling combat one can hope to endure.

After all, what better time than All Hallow's Eve weekend for Revolver to resurrect itself with a series of unbridled attractions, mayhem-filled grudge matches and horrifying moments not seen in these parts since the days of the Lockridge Monster and the Okoboji Lake Monster tormenting the wayward souls of the Hawkeye State.

FITE is proud to bring you Pro Wrestling Revolver, professional wrestling as conceptualized and executed by one of the most twisted souls to ever reside in the bowels of professional wrestling, Sami Callihan.


Listen to them, the children of the night. What music they make!" - Dracula, Bram Stoker

Yes my friends, there will be music of the bloodcurdling type, screams of agony and ecstasy alike, echoing off every corner of The Horizon Event Center, because Pro Wrestling Revolver will stand witness to Jon Moxley's unholy arrival. The former AEW and current GCW Champion has marched his way through brimstone and blood alike to make his grand entrance, throwing out an open challenge for anyone to attempt to silence his sneering defiance of all who dare step into his path.

Little did Jon Moxley or anyone else suspect that Jimmy Jacob, no stranger to standing under the crimson bloodletting waterfalls of hapless foes would likewise emerge from the shadows, seeking to settle old grudges. Like Freddy and Jason they will collide, seeking to tear the other apart in search of ultimate destruction, looking to each achieve the impossible, to finally rip themselves free of the haunting reminders past collisions in Dragon Gate USA and beyond have embedded on each of their dark souls. After over a decade of being on different paths, they converge in a most explosive encounter at Tales of the Ring 4.


Double, double toil and trouble; Fire burn and caldron bubble." - Macbeth, William Shakespeare

As if that main event was not enough to entice you my friend, gaze to your left, where a ladder and The Pro Wrestling Revolver championship belt both shimmer in the distance, awaiting their victims. Four distinct challengers are all vying to journey through their own personal hell, taking untold levels of punishment in a Ladder match in order to ascend to the heavens and emerge the new Champion.

Former Impact Wrestling World Champion Rich Swann is no stranger to championship glory or heartbreak himself, perhaps indicating that of all the fighters, he'll be the most prepared for this battle. After all, Swann can soar like no other and rebound from hellacious beatings. Of all the competitors, he may be looked upon as the favorite.

However, there's Trey Miguel, who has cultivated an incredible array of inspirational performances over the last several years as someone who is more than willing to decimate himself in order to take out his opponents.

Of course, One cannot discount Phil Stamper's entry into this ladder warfare, JT Dunn, who comes armed with lethal elbow strikes and an insatiable hunger to add some new accolades to his career.

Yet my friends, there's the enigma known only as "Manscout" Jake Manning, who lives by the mantra of always being prepared. One of the most criminally underrated competitors in the world today, Manning has more merit and more heart than most will admit. If there's anyone who can be declared a wild card in this Revolver Championship match, it's The Manscout. After all, it's the ones you least expect to prove to be most frightful.

The ghosts of the past will reappear at Tales from the Ring 4 as well. For the first time since 2017, the reconstituted American Wolves will join forces and surge into battle, challenging Logan James and Tyler Matrix for the Revolver Tag Team Championships. Davey Richards and Eddie Edwards have forged a bond borne of blood and competition alike, but can they muster the magic of yesteryear against two of Revolver's most youngest and successful competitors? If James and Matrix can turn back the challenge, they will have carved a most important victory into the annals of Pro Wrestling Revolver. Tag team excellence has been the calling card of the American Wolves, but can even they escape Clive, Iowa unscathed?


Circus can't just be beautiful. It has to be weird. It has to be frightening." - Elizabeth Schulte Martin, Everything You Came to See

Pro Wrestling Revolver is never a place for the weak-hearted, but at Tales from the Ring 4, pain and torture will be quadrupled. For every corner of the squared circle, there will be a corner of pain, featuring instruments of destruction as Alex Colon, one of the most fearsome death match competitors stalking prey across multiple promotions will battle with Jake Crist. The former Impact Wrestling X-Division Champion will have to endure untold viciousness and carnage in order to achieve victory against a foe who seemingly gets stronger the longer the plasma flows. Try as you might to look away, the only place to truly absorb this war in all its vivid glory will be FITE.

The landscape of Pro Wrestling Revolver never stops shifting as it has become the hallowed grounds where boys become men and men become legends. Ace Austin returns to Revolver at Tales of the Ring 4, clashing with Alex Zayne, one of the only men on Planet Earth who may not only equal Ace's pure athletic ability but also the chip he carries on his shoulder. These two twisted mirror images of the other will clash, seeking to shatter the other's careers while pursuing their own victory.

Revolver is also the Nexus of talents from all realms seeking to test their mettle and prove themselves, whether it be for the first time or as a way to resurrect their careers. Drama King Matt Rehwoldt and Anthony Green have seen successes elsewhere while also seeking to forge new fortunes as they kickstart the new chapters of their career. For Green, one of the most charismatic throwback personalities, he is a bright beacon of hope on what is traditionally a most dark and stormy night. Rehwoldt, however, is a tortured artist, carrying the trauma of past failures, seeking to exorcize his own soul by imprinting them onto others. Will Green rise to be the hero he claims to be or will he find himself mired in the much at the hands of a most theatrical antagonist?

The constellations have correctly aligned and the spirits of the underworld have felt your sympathetic vibrations my friends, gifting you with the unholy appearance of perhaps the most evil soul in all of professional wrestling at Tales of the Road 4, Danhausen. The ROH star (and his jar of teeth) seek victory and money, but "The Monster Hunter" Matthew Palmer will seek to prove it is indeed hunting season, driving Danhausen back through Dante's nine rings.

Never to be outdone and certainly never forgotten, Jessicka Havoc, a card-carrying member of Decay will bring the Undead Realm to life before your very eyes at Pro Wrestling Revolver my friends, stepping into combat with Billie Starkz. Starkz has battled her way into the heart of the fans but finds herself facing one of the most threatening challenges of her career. Havok is a force of the unnatural who has carved a path of destruction worldwide. This will either be the biggest moment of Starkz's career, or her biggest regret.

Tales of the Ring will be bookmarked by a Revolver staple, the Sudden Death Scrambl as combatants step into the ring at the same time, vying to prove their fighting backgrounds and style are truly the superior, defining combat sports juggernaut. Madman Fulton will sorely lay claim to being the largest and most aggressive fighter in the Scramble, but will the aerial assault antics of Ninja Mack be enough to neutralize Fulton? Will the offbeat antics of Warhorse shock the system to its core so that he can eke out a victory? Will Brian Myers' teachings be the key to Sam Beale's greatest Revolver achievement? Will the plucky and offbeat Everett Connors shock the world? Or, will Crash Jaxon smash his way to victory? So many variables and no clear cut answers.

But that, my friends, is why we have gathered here for Pro Wrestling Revolver's Tales of the Ring. We know that of all weekends, Saturday October 30th especially is when the creaks in the darkness beyond begins to creep in as the hourglass of what is normal is turned upside down, allowing for the macabre, the strange, and the wicked to stand tall, allowing the chaos theory to erupt and all hell to break loose.

If there was ever a promotion designed for such a bloody good time, it's Pro Wrestling Revolver on FITE, the only place you'll witness such madness...until the inevitable sequels.

So, my friends, go and prepare yourself, but hurry back, because if you don't, the hordes will find you and drag you back.

One way or another, you will witness the Tales of the Ring 4….you have been warned.

Mike Johnson is the lead reporter for and has been writing about professional wrestling since 1996. He can be found on Twitter @MikePWInsider and

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