"This April Fool's Day, the Circus is coming back to town. With a Foolish Vengeance!"
In an age when pipelines are blowing up faster than Brendan Fraser's waistline and the world's richest man spent 44 Billion dollars so he can shitpost with impunity, Fight Circus returns just in time to make even less sense of the madness.
Returning to our adopted home at Illuzion Nightclub in Phuket Thailand, Fight Circus is set to bring you 12 glorious fights involving God knows how many people and a co-main and main event that won't soon be forgotten.
The co-main event, for the first time ever, will showcase Female 2 vs 1 MMAsymmetrical action. Featuring a duo of Thai Martial Artists, Indica & Sativa, known collectively as ‘Run THC', squaring off against Single White Female and World Lethwei Champion, Souris Manfredi. Each round will begin with a 20 second preamble of taunting and jockeying for position. When the whistle blows, it's go time!
To top off the evening like one last key bump, in a Championship bout of Super Heavyweight Siamese Twin Boxing, a local 4-legged debt collector known as The Irish Curse, Sloppy Balboa, steps out of the pub and into the bright lights for the first time to challenge the undefeated Champion, Twopollo RamSapp Creed.

"At this upcoming Fight Circus 6 event we plan on truly separating ourselves from any other brand in combat sports while writing our own script, literally. As we get even more cinematic with our tribute to the underdog. A Fight Circus homage to the little guy out there trying to make it into the big time. With The Rise and Fall of Sloppy Balboa, fight fans and party people will truly know the type of satire we plan on bringing to the sport. Fight Circus 6 is going to be Art. The canvas is our canvas. The fighters' blood our paint. The Rise Or Fall Of Sloppy Balboa starring Rampage Jackson, Bob Sapp, Jon Nutt, and Woody is going to be a masterpiece. We are not the UFC. We are not the WWE. We are Fight Circus." - Jon Nutt
FIGHT CIRCUS 6 WILL TAKE PLACE ON SATURDAY APRIL 1ST, from the Original Fight Island, Phuket Thailand...
The Multi-Award Winning Clown Show of Combat Sports, FMD's Fight Circus is back at Illuzion Nightclub on Bangla Road, in the heart of Patong.
Streaming: April 1st, 7pm EST - Only on FightCircus.tv and FITE.tv
1. Our Cold Opener: Dana Black's Gentlemen's Power Slap League
- Bruno Barone vs Peter Haelewyn
2. Old School MMA: 1x10 Min Round
-Kyoken Tampiyanan vs Campbell Symes
3. Musical Chairs of Doom: 6 Fighters Competing in Musical Chairs to see Who Fights What
- Featuring 6 of the Finest Fighters in Petzilla Winkeljohn's phone
4. Dealer's Choice
- Musical Chairs 1st Place Finisher Chooses his Opponent – Opponent Chooses Discipline
5. MMAsymmetrical is Back!!
- Walter John Veale vs 2 of the Remaining Musical Chairs Participants
6. Blindfold Muay Thai
- Musical Chairs Odd Men Out
7. The Wheel of Violence is Back!!
- Kushal Vyas vs Joel Fratello
8. Wicked Hot Ring Girl Tug of War: That we're pretty positive will result in playing grab ass and Jello Wrestling.
- Featuring 6 Hot Chicks – 3 vs 3
9. White Collar Brawl – Road Rage Edition
- Grab Motorbike Driver vs ‘Win' Motorbike Driver
10. Human Piñata- Steve Panda Banks(with a sack full of money and prizes) vs Petzilla & The Gang(6 total)
11. Ladies MMAsymmetrical is Here!!
- Souris Manfredi vs Run THC(Indica & Sativa)
12. The Biggest Siamese Twins Boxing Championship of All Time!!!
- Twopollo RamSapp Creed vs Sloppy 'The Irish Curse' Balboa- Featuring Bob Sapp, Rampage Jackson, Jon Nutt & Woody